April 27, 2009

Claiborne Reflection...

Why I Got Arrested on Good Friday
by Shane Claiborne 04-21-2009

Friday was real good this year. We remembered Jesus, and we remembered Jesus disguised in the "least of these" — those who continue to be tortured, spit on, slapped, insulted, misunderstood...those who ache, bleed, cry, love, forgive, and ask God "have you forsaken me?"

The morning started with a slow meditative reading of the passion narrative from the gospel. We sat still, praying that we would have the courage to follow the way of the cross in a world of the sword.

Then, as many Christians do throughout the world, we spent Good Friday remembering the "stations of the cross," the various stages of Christ's execution.

But we didn’t keep things inside the walls of cathedrals — we took to the streets. At one gathering, hundreds of us gathered outside Colosimo's Gun Shop, one of the most notorious gun stores in the country for selling weapons later traced to violent crimes. On the makeshift stage outside the gun shop, alongside a Pentecostal dance team and a host of collared clergy from all sorts of denominations, there was a giant gun about the size of a small car, and a cross, and a coffin....

To read the rest of the article, go to:

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